Industrial consortium for innovation in medical technologies, our mission is:
- Accelerate the development of innovative solutions, their validation and integration into health networks
- Position locally and on a global scale Quebec and Canadian products and services from the medtech industry
- Generate major economic impacts
- Improve healthcare systems for the benefit of patients
Officially launched in January 2013 with the financial support of the Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche, de la Science et de la Technologie (MESRST), MEDTEQ’s members include industrials, universities and the health network and their networks. Close to 170 organisations now focus on the development of innovative world class medical technologies and solutions, demonstrating Canada’s leadership and know-how in this regard.
This mobilization contributes to the promotion of Canadian health expertise.
Connected health
TIC Telehealth Big data Artificial intelligence
Imaging simulation
Visualization Surgical robotics Medical training
Personalized health
Diagnostic Neurosciences Cardiology Orthopedics
Human performance
Prevention Sports medicine Rehabilitation